Good evening! Wow has today been busy non stop. It first started, my husband and my daughter both had Dr. appointments, at least they were the same time. While at the pharmacy I got a call from my oldest daughter in a panic. She had stepped away from my one year old grand daughter, who was in her crib to go to the restroom. Well, my daughter came out & saw Kaydance kind of sitting up/ leaning against the side of the crib almost laying down with her back turned to my daughter. Well, she was just allert a few minutes prior to my daughter leaving the room, she turned Kaydance over and she wasn’t moving, her lips were blue – purple and she wasn’t breathing.
Well, my daughter picked her up and all of a sudden Kaydance gasped for breath & started screaming!!!!!!!!! My daughter called me in a panic… my heart just about jumped out of my chest! My husband and youngest daughter dropped what we were doing in town and rushed home to take Kaydance to the E.R. for an evaluation just to make sure she was okay. I haven’t been that frightened in a long time!
So, that’s how my day went. We are now home and my grand daughter is here with us. We are taking shifts tonight and not allowing her out of our sight while she’s sleeping. The E.R. said they think it was a small seizure. They didn’t know why it happened, but wants her to follow up with her pediatrician to follow up with a neurologist.
So, here is a challenge card my 4 year old grand son & I worked on this evening for the Mojo Monday Sketch Challenge. The stamp set used is Well Scripted for the sentiment and Perfect Dots embossing folder. My grandson placed the rabbit, Easter egg, & chick-a-dee.

Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings & Inky Hugs;
~Shawnie B.